
What I Want You To Be

I want you not to be a star
So far and high in the sky
I want you not to be a moon
Whose loving presence I can enjoy
Only from a distance
I just want you to be
As you are
Full of emotion and compassion
I like your natural self
Your own esteem
I want to feel you
I want to hear you
Your expressions has always
Made on me big impressions
I don't want you to be someone great
But someone ordinary
Always reachable
You Said, I Said...

You said, my flair is to share
I said, that robe of yours I am ready to wear
Then we become dear
Never I felt us two so near
You know I am not a leer
I know, to back me up, you are always at my rear

Knowing is as good as sharing
Discoursing for hours even without a word
That is what we intend to herd
And if possible something to spread
For sometime we are away
But how much distance I cannot say
Absence not only makes the heart fonder
Of one's dear it also makes to ponder
This is true and I believe it
I know you believe it too

We indeed have difference of opinions
Differing flowers make the garden more beutiful
I don't expect you to be me
You don't expect me to be you
We complement each other
In common, we both like to have fun
And are born ready to toil heavily under the sun
Our goals are always set before our sight
We'll never detract without a fight
Well, this seems to be our special trait