
Road to success

There might be many roads
That lead to Rome
But one road might be easy to tread on
That road needs to be chosen rightly
True in life, isn't it?
Choosing words are not as tough as choosing the right road
But choosing the right words
Have their rewards for sure
They can make or break one
Anyone who remained successful for long
Would have been able to do that
Only by harnessing the tongue
And those who have fallen in most cases
Are rapists of words and truth

Any man who has a vision
Will certainly be careful with his words
To him words would be like flowers
Which he would not like to trample upon
From now on let us too see words as fresh flowers
We would then not dare to trample it
But will keep the aroma with us
One can't seal the smell of a fresh ripe fruit
The goodness will spread everywhere
Fruits can either be left to ripe or to rot
It is how we choose them to be
So are words
And the old comparison of words to pearls stands true to this day
Let us not be swines that stray the pearls
But ones who will treasure them, so will have life
And shall remain successful forever

in reference to: orkut - Messages (view on Google Sidewiki)

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