
Dawn of my day

Through the window
first came the rays
then came the sunlight
Bathing me with warmth
Stripping off my coldness
All just in one go
It was a sudden change in temperature
I woke up with coffee beside
And newspaper under my cot
I was too lazy to bend
But I am loving it

I looked at the mirror
I saw not my face
But something running in it
First a bit blur, then it was clear
Two cold eyes moist enough
If squeezed would give an ounce of water
Suddenly became warm
Seeing you come near me
And when you passed me
It was like sun rays seeping through my window

At last I woke up and on my legs
And opened the windows
To see flowers violet, red, blue, yellow
But the smell that brushed through
Smelt more of your fragrance
I took a deep breath in
And sipped the cup of coffee
With paper in hand
Wow it was beautiful
And thus started my day

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