
Ray of hope

Everything seemed to have lost
As hope evaporated
Nothing to cling on
Nothing to cleave upon
Everything seemed impossible
Except defeat
The world seemed to have moved apart

It was my life
Before you came in
As a sigh a relief
To every earth there is a moon
And as there is one earth there you are one moon
Just a peep at you would make me forgot my grief
So powerful is your charm
You gave me new hope to live on
Because of you now from a constant worrier
I have become a warrior

Everyday is a challenge
And everyday I am looking forward to
Who are you, I do not know
What are you, again no idea
To me, you are just a ray of hope!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you learn that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.