
There ain't no Christ

There ain't no Christ
There ain't no freedom
He was no freedom fighter
But won freedom for millions
Helping them win their own demons
Of darkness and low self-esteem
From Herod to Hitler
They tried to wipe His name off but with no success
Not one of the world revered men
Did ever speak blasphemy of His name
Turn to the pages of history
And you will find only praises by these men
Whatever religion they belong to
Or however high they are regarded by people

Jesus was a nonconformist
Never was He a religious leader
He said, blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God
He also said, greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends
If you believe He resurrected from the dead
You can also believe you also will be resurrected in His day
He was only giving hope - which is the substance of life
Sometimes we call hope positive mental attitude
He lived a simple life
The simple way to be like Him is to emulate Him

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