
Lessons from a child

He stood up slowly and we were watching in awe
We have seen him crawling and cruising
And now he wants to stand
This is the day we were waiting for
Its gonna be his first step
He is going to stand all by himself and walk
And the joy it gives us nothing can surpass that very day
He stood slowly and, and he fell
Did he bruise or injured himself?
Our minds were reeling
Before we could reach him
He stood up again and, and fell again
He is not going to give up

We think we are grown-ups
But like the child we fall too
The child fell but tried to stand again
We try to stand but fear we might fall again
And because we thought we will fall again we do fall
We try not again to stand cos we think we might fall
The difference between us and the child is
We give up easily but child does not

He finally stood
And days moved, he walked
He is now running
Life keeps moving fast
And we need to keep up the pace with it
We cant just be walking anymore
We need to run
- like the baby we should learn to stand first after every fall
And walk not but run
He who runs fast - wins
Let us be winners in life
Run baby run

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