
Lost in you...

I still remember the day
When I am bowled down by your sweetness
Your own sweetness...
It's the very day when your hands touched me
I still feel the tenderness,
feel your warmth and the silky smooth touch
I am sunken down in it
Wake me not
I am not asleep, just intoxicated

Your sweet voice
It still rings in my ears
What's in it?
Is it wine or honey?
Whatever be it
It is so sweet
I want to..
Want to hear you more
don't speak, I will sleep
You make me forget
I am old enough
Not to sleep to a lullaby

I am no child
But before you
I do break
What's in you?
Are your fingers a magic wand, I wonder
Wherefrom you got the charm?
I simply lose myself
When you are near me
Search me, you will find
More of you than me in me

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Simply Poet said...
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