
Technically Yours

If only I had the best system
That executes orders at the speed of thought
I thought I would be the best trader on earth
I did get the best system
Only to lose considerable portion of my hard-earned money
Just at the speed of my thought

If I had money more than I need
I said I will light someone's life
Will do what all I can
To remove poverty from the society
But when I got money
I rebuilt my house to a bigger one

If I had the advanced learners dictionary
I said my English would be good
And my vocabulary would be extensive
I did get one
Only to decorate my bookshelf when not in use
And to be used as a pillow and tranquilizer when in use

With all these my life did not change
But I thank God for these circumstances
They did enlighten me
They did teach me a lesson
As every situation teaches a lesson if really
We had our eyes and ears open
If I had a chisel I cannot be a Leonardo or Michael Angelo
It's not the tool, but the application
That really matters!

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