
Kitchen Love

Honey, tell me one spot of adventure
where you think we both will have fun and great time
And keep in mind days are tough
It should be inexpensive too
The wife thinks for a moment
And says, sweetheart why not we visit our kitchen

Somewhere, some time I read it
And was fallen into deep thoughts as to if this was true
Speaking as a matter-of-factly it's true indeed
There's this popular adage
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
Love starts in kitchen

Now let's explore this less-accessed territory
Maybe some will call kitchen the dark room
Even to geeks there is one seed that's latin and greek
And that's fenugreek
A simple golden seed that's good for diabetes
And for loss of appetite too
Soak it overnight in water and drink it
I bet you will see difference in insulin levels, try it

I stumbled next into something
hey, this looks like some powder gold
Eureka, I found it, it's turmeric
It's known for its anti-inflammatory properties
A hot cup of milk with turmeric powder
hey, I know that's my grandma's recipe
Yeah right, it's good for cold

Enough for the day
No more the kitchen would be a darkroom
It's the life-giving room

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